1. Baby Wash Cloth
Take a soft old sock and use as a washcloth on your baby.
2. Ball
Roll up a sock, roll another one onto the first one, then take a very thin sock and place this over the roll. Twist the sock around the rolled insides, then fold back over itself again. You now have a soft type ball for indoor or outdoor play.
3. Bath Mat
Cut the toe off of a long sock, then begin to cut a 1 inch spiral strip until you reach the cuff of the sock. Using strips like this, crochet them to make bathmats, hotplates for the table, placemats and more.
4. Bean Bags
Fill baby socks with rice. Sew the top closed to make a bean bag.
5. Braided Rugs
Cut socks into strips, sew strips together to form long widths almost like thick yarn and use to create braided rugs.
6. Can Cozies
Cut the feet off old socks. Put the socks on cans to absorb moisture.
7. Candles
Keep taper candles from getting broken or scratched by putting them in socks.
8. Cat Toy
Fill with cat nip and tie off the end to make a cat toy.
9. Christmas Stocking
You don’t need a fancy stocking for Christmas. Hang an old sock for Santa to fill.
10. Clean Dry Erase & Chalk Boards
Wipe the boards clean with an old sock.
11. Cup Warmer
Cut the foot off and slide over cups to keep drinks warm. Also works to keep cold drinks cool.
12. Decorate Vases
Pull patterned socks over vases to decorate.
13. Dish Cloths
Cut the toe off of two socks that are roughly the same size. Cut the sock across the ankle and cut off the toe section too. You will now have a ‘tube’ with two open ends. Cut the tube to open it into one piece. Take both pieces, put smooth sides together and pin together. Sew around all four edges; then sew an X from one corner to another and you have an instant dishcloth.
14. Dog Toy
Tie a knot at each end of a tube sock. Use to play tug-of-war with your dog.
15. Doll Clothes
Old socks make wonderful pieces of fabric for children to create doll clothes.
16. Dusting
Put an old sock over your hand to dust. It makes getting into corners easier.
17. Gloves
In an emergency, put two old socks on your hands to protect from cold if you don’t have gloves.
18. Ice Packs
Put an ice pack inside an old sock to protect the skin.
19. Jump Rope
Tie socks together until the rope is the length you want.
20. Keep Game Pieces Together
Put all the small game pieces in a sock to make sure they stay together. Put the sock in the game box.
21. Knee Pads
Cut the feet off old socks. Pull over legs and fold over at knees to create a cushioned pad for gardening.
22. Knitting Needle Case
Sew the mouth of a tube sock closed and cut off the toe. Slip it inside another tube sock so they are double thicknesses. Sew the two together and you have a thick case to keep knitting needles that won’t poke through. Tie the end shut with a pretty ribbon.
23. Ladder Socks
Slip socks over the tops of a ladder so they won’t mark the surfaces they are leaning against.
24. Leg Warmers
Cut the feet off long socks. Pull the cut sock over the socks you are wearing and up to the knee. They will keep your legs doubly warm without the added bulk in your shoes.
25. Level Table
Put an old sock under the leg of a wobbly table to level.
26. Money
Place bills inside a colorful sock and place the sock in your sock drawer. Burglars are unlikely to find it, but you will be able to see it quickly in your sock drawer.
27. Mop
Cut the end off a sock and use as a wet mop behind toilets. Throw the sock away when finished or rewash to use again.
28. Mothballs
Place mothballs inside the sock, tie closed and hang in your closet. When you no longer need the mothballs or want to replace them, simply throw out the old sock and hang a new one.
29. Pillows
Cut old socks up into small pieces and use to stuff toys or pillows.
30. Polish Silverware
Use a sock to apply silverware polish. The polish will permanently stain the socks, so you’ll only be able to use them a couple of times. However, the clean and gleaming look of the silver will be well worth it.
31. Potpourri Sachet
Fill bottom with potpourri and either tie the open end or sew it closed. Place in drawers.
32. Protect Golf Clubs
Put old socks over golf clubs to protect them.
33. Purse
You can make a change purse by adding a purse clasp to the open end of a baby sock.
34. Quilt
Cut the good parts of the socks into patches for a patchwork quilt.
35. Rough Feet
Spread vaseline on your feet and put on old socks. Sleep with them on. The next morning your feet will be softer.
36. Shining Shoes
Use old socks to apply shoe polish and shine shoes. You also also use old socks when you’re cleaning firearms or an other metal equipment that requires a heavy duty solvent.
37. Sock Monkey
Old socks are ideal for making a sock monkey.
38. Shoe Protection
Pull over shoes to protect from mud.
39. Shoe Freshener
Stuff with baking soda and put inside shoes to absorb odor.
40. Sock Puppets
Let kids decorate with craft supplies to make sock puppets.
41. Stop Drafts
Fill the cracks under doors and windows with socks to stop drafts.
42. Storage
Store golf balls, tennis balls and other small balls inside a sock.
43. Tall Boots
Stuff tall socks with newspaper and keep in your boots to keep them from flopping over. The newspaper will also absorb moisture.
44. Trees
Tie newly planted trees to a stake with old socks. You can also do this with any other tall plants that need support, such as tomatoes.
45. Umbrella
Slip a tube sock over a wet umbrella to absorb the water. Take it off when you get home or the umbrella will be moldy.
46. Wash & Wax Car
Use one sock as a rug to wash the car. Use another sock to apply wax to car.
47. Wax Furniture
Use a sock to apply wax to furniture.
48. Wet Shoes
Place clay cat litter (not the clumping modern kind) into two socks, tie or sew the ends closed and place inside the shoes. The cat litter made with clay will help absorb the moisture so the shoes will dry more quickly.
49. Windshield Wipers
Put socks over windshield wipers before a freeze. Remove the socks and you will not have to scrape.
50. Wrist Support
Fill to comfort with split peas, lentils, or rice and then sew the end up and place either for wrist support for key board, or make a smaller one to use for comfort support for your wrist when using mouse.
Readers, can you think of any other uses for old socks? Leave us a comment below this article.