Eighteen Percent of US Households Are Millionaires. Here is Why You Aren’t One of Them.

Every three years the US Federal Reserve conducts a survey of American’s finances.  This study, called the US Survey of Consumer Finances (SCR), is a representative picture of the wealth of America.  It details the assets and liabilities of participants in the studies, and also shows their income, demographic characteristics, and changes in American wealth every three years.   So you may be wondering, if there are so many millionaires, why aren’t you a millionaire? 

What Is The Average Millionaire Profile in the United States?

According to the SCR, American millionaires typically have a number of characteristics. 

The Survey of Consumer Finances also found that the majority of millionaires owned stocks, had retirement accounts and many owned pooled investments such as mutual funds or index funds (Source: Survey of Consumer Finances). 

Is The Survey of Consumer Finances Accurate? 

Since the Survey of Consumer Finances only interviews about 4,000 people, you may be wondering if the data is accurate. 

It is. 

The survey uses something called multi-stage area probability sampling which is a statistical term that means the Federal Reserve selected study participants in a way to make them representative of the country at large, per the survey’s annual report.  The study deliberately excludes members of the Forbes 400, which is a list of billionaires.  So, the study is reflective of what wealth basically looks like in the United States.  It is as accurate as large economic studies can be. 

So, Why Aren’t You A Millionaire?

If you find that you’re not one of the millionaires included in this report, there could be a number of reasons for this. Below is a list of common reasons many people fail to become millionaires:

If you currently aren’t a millionaire, or aren’t on course to becoming one, it’s likely due to the consequences of choices you’ve made in the past. The good news is you can make different choices from this point forward to create the wealth you want. It won’t necessarily be easy and you’ll need to avoid making the mistakes which limited you in the past.

Want To Be A Millionaire – Here Are Some Things You Can Do

Becoming a millionaire is straightforward, but it requires sustained effort over time.   Here are some immediate steps you can take that will help get you on track. 

So, by taking a few steps, you may be able to count yourself as one of the newly crowned millionaires in these reports in the not-too-distant future.

(Photo courtesy of Pamela Carls)

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