How To Make Money Recycling

Recycling can be good for both the planet and your wallet. You won’t get rich recycling, but you can earn a little extra cash and keep a lot of waste out of the landfill. So just how do you make money recycling? Simple. Every time you are about to toss an item (even if it’s not a conventional recyclable), stop and ask yourself if there is a way to monetize that item. Recycling is becoming a big bucks industry and there are more and more businesses willing to pay you for your old stuff.

Having trouble getting started? Here are some ideas.

Ways to Make Money Recycling

If you’re looking for a way to make extra cash, recycling is a great way to do it! You can recycle and make cash from each of the following items:

Places You Can Make Money Recycling

If you can’t recycle something through a conventional recycling outlet, try listing it on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. You’d be surprised at what people will pay money for. I’ve seen empty CD and DVD cases sell to people who make movies and music for a living. Old bikes or toys are bought by people who refurbish them and then re-sell them. Even newspaper can sell if you have a lot of it and someone needs it for a large project or organization.

Example of a Facebook Marketplace listing for DVD cases. Portland, Oregon November 25th, 2024.

You can’t recycle everything for cash. Sometimes you’ll just have to either throw it away or recycle it for free. And if you live in an area without scrap buyers it can be more difficult to turn junk into cash. However, you can make a small amount of fun money by turning your trash into cash when you have the opportunity. Before you throw something out, do a quick Google search to see if there is anyone paying cash for that item. You can do something good for your wallet while helping the environment.

Header Photo Credit: Alan Levine

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