It Does No Good To Be Depressed

The Guardian calls On Freedom, Tim Snyder’s just-published encore to On Tyranny, his #1 New York Times best-seller, “A rigorous and visionary argument . . . Buy or borrow this book, read it, take it to heart.”  I’m buying it.

The Economist has chosen kakistocracy — “a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens” — to be its word of the year.

With a pathological liar narcissist convicted felon and adjudicated rapist about to take office and seeking to put this man in charge of the Defense Department, could there have been any other choice?

The Scariest horror film of the year:  Stop the Steal.  My bad for not linking to it before the election.  January 6th — a religious war.  Which brings us back to Pete Hegseth, a religious warrior himself.

All that said:

It does no good to be depressed. 

Every day is a gift.  (We have hot water!)

What could do some good:

Join an Indivisible chapter.

Read their Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink.

> Deposit $100 or $1,000 or $10,000 every month into an account you’ll be using soon to help win back the House and Senate.

> Post actively on social media (thoughtfully, respectfully, accurately) . . . criticizing when criticism is due; pushing back when the other side takes credit for Democratic accomplishments, like infrastructure projects Trump’s team voted unanimously against or the low unemployment and inflation he will have inherited.

Editors Note: This article was originally published on December 9, 2024 on, syndicated with permission.

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