Self-Made Millionaires Sacrifice a Good Today for a Great Tomorrow

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One hundred percent of the self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study said that they put off things they wanted to do and things they wanted to spend money on in order to build their wealth. Building wealth took priority over fun and enjoyment, at least during their wealth-building years.

This is known as delayed gratification.

Only 48% of the poor individuals in my study said they were engaging in delayed gratification.

The self-made millionaires engaged in delayed gratification because they were convinced that making sacrifices today would benefit them many years into the future. These millionaires were able to muster the discipline to make sacrifices because they had a very clear vision of the ideal, future life they desired – their dream life

And, they were not fatalists, meaning they did not believe they would die before being able to reap the benefits of the sacrifices they were making. This was possible because of the following mindset/habits they possessed:

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