
How to Respond to a Job Offer Email: 9 Steps to Secure More Pay

How to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer email
Image Source: Pexels

Did you just receive an offer letter for a new job? If the offer isn’t exactly the salary you hope for, it’s time to start negotiating with your future employer. Here we’ll explain how to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer email.

1. Express Your Enthusiasm for The Job

Before you try to negotiate, it’s important to express your enthusiasm for the job and working for the company. Leading with gratitude will help you set the right tone for negotiating. 

2. Be Specific with Your Ask

It’s important to be specific with your counteroffer initially. This gives room for negotiation within your communications. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Be confident in your number and see how your potential future employer responds.

3. Highlight Your Experience

Once you state your counteroffer, make sure to highlight your experience and the value you will bring to the company. You can highlight your achievements, years of experience, or how your values align with the company.

4. Do Some Research

Is your salary requirement in line with the job you’re applying for? It’s helpful to do some market research and talk to other professionals in your industry who have the title you desire. You can even allude to this data in your negotiations.

5. Negotiate Other Benefits

If you can’t negotiate salary, there are other benefits you could suggest. You can discuss stock options, a signing bonus, extra PTO, commuter reimbursements, or a remote or hybrid work schedule. Some of these options can help bridge the gap in salary expectations and help put more money in your pocket.

6. Use Your Leverage

Do you have competing job offers? It’s ok to be honest about other offers. Make sure to be professional about it, and don’t lie or overinflate the other offer. Only use this approach if you’re willing to let the offer go because it could backfire.

7. Ask about Future Raises

It is also appropriate to ask for a performance-based review and salary increase in a few months. This is a good compromise if they can’t meet your counteroffer right now. Suggest a specific time frame so that it is worked into the negotiation and not forgotten about.

8. Don’t Settle, but Be Flexible

Negotiating a higher salary after a job offer
Image Source: Pexels

Express that you want to make it work for both parties and are willing to compromise. You can also focus on the fact that hiring you could save the company money if you have specific experience cutting costs for another company or bringing in new business. This may help the negotiation if the company can justify the additional cost of bringing you on.

9. Walk Away if Needed

Now that you know how to negotiate a higher salary after a job offer email, it’s important to acknowledge when the job might not be the best fit for you. If the offer you receive won’t work for you and you’ve exhausted all other avenues of negotiation, you may need to walk away. 

How do you negotiate a higher salary? Have any of these methods worked for you? Let us know in the comments.

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